Climbing Rope

One use, but what a useful use it is. Use it.


Defined in /items/tools/rope.grapplinghook

Rarity: Common

What it does

Used in these recipes

Reagents Result Station Learned by
20 × Durasteel Bar
4 × Climbing Rope
1 × Grappling Hook Known intuitively

How to get it

Can be crafted

Reagents Result Station Learned by
40 × Pixels
1 × Climbing Rope Known intuitively
4 × Plant Fibre
1 × Climbing Rope Known intuitively

treasure pool 'mineTreasure', for threat level 1.0

treasure pool 'capsuleMed', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'forestTreasure', for threat level 1.0

treasure pool 'floranmissiontreasure', for threat level 1.0

treasure pool 'capsuleSmall', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'miningtreasure', for threat level 1.0

treasure pool 'capsuleBig', for threat level 0.0