Durasteel Bar

It's a durasteel bar.


Defined in /items/generic/crafting/durasteelbar.item

Rarity: Uncommon

What it does

Used in these recipes

Reagents Result Station Learned by
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Hunter's Hood Known intuitively (floran only)
3 × Skyrail
1 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Skyrail Diode (Right) Known intuitively
4 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Outrider's Pants Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
1 × Durasteel Bar
3 × Skyrail
1 × Skyrail Diode (Left) Known intuitively
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Outrider's Chestpiece Known intuitively (human only) Known intuitively (penguin only)
4 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Dark Knight's Greaves Known intuitively (glitch only)
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Switchblade Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Wiring Station
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Outrider's Helm Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Hammertime Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Durasteel Door Known intuitively
10 × Platinum Bar
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Storage Locker Known intuitively (novakid only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Class Axe Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
10 × Platinum Bar
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Storage Locker Known intuitively (glitch only)
20 × Refined Aegisalt
1 × Replicator
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Accelerator's Table Pick up Aegisalt Ore
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × The Rhino Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
10 × Platinum Bar
1 × Storage Locker Known intuitively (human only)
12 × Durasteel Bar
1 × The Compensator Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Dark Knight's Breastplate Known intuitively (glitch only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × The Overcompensator Known intuitively (penguin only) Known intuitively (human only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × The Apache Known intuitively (novakid only)
4 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Lake Greaves Known intuitively (hylotl only)
12 × Durasteel Bar
1 × The Doc Known intuitively (novakid only)
1 × Replicator
10 × Durasteel Bar
20 × Refined Rubium
1 × Manipulator's Table Pick up Rubium Ore
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Fingercutter Known intuitively (floran only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Lake Breastplate Known intuitively (hylotl only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Chop Stick Known intuitively (floran only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Big Nastyslice Known intuitively (floran only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Stabber Known intuitively (floran only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Trunkthunk Known intuitively (floran only)
20 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Survival System
12 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Nastyslice Known intuitively (floran only)
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Revolutionary's Bandana Known intuitively (apex only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Screwslicer Known intuitively (glitch only)
3 × Leather
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Durasteel Bed Known intuitively
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × dieOS Known intuitively (glitch only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Friend Request Known intuitively (glitch only)
4 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Hunter's Skirt Known intuitively (floran only)
12 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Antispyware Known intuitively (glitch only)
10 × Platinum Bar
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Storage Locker Known intuitively (floran only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Flash Upswing Known intuitively (glitch only)
5 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Diamond
5 × Gold Bar
1000 × Pixels
1 × Portable Pixel Printer
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Antivirus Known intuitively (glitch only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Swallowtail Known intuitively (avian only)
20 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Replicator Known intuitively
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Eye of the Storm Known intuitively (avian only)
10 × Platinum Bar
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Storage Locker Known intuitively (hylotl only)
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Talon Known intuitively (avian only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Hunter's Chestguard Known intuitively (floran only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Dove of War Known intuitively (avian only)
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Durasteel Console Known intuitively
12 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Eye of the Needle Known intuitively (avian only)
20 × Refined Violium
1 × Replicator
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Separator's Table Pick up Violium Ore
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Candy Crusher Known intuitively (avian only)
2 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Durasteel Light Known intuitively
12 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Cabin Boy Known intuitively (hylotl only)
4 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Owl Skirt Known intuitively (avian only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Fishfighter Known intuitively (hylotl only)
4 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Sheriff's Slacks Known intuitively (novakid only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Gillcutter Known intuitively (hylotl only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Sandstirrer Known intuitively (hylotl only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Sheriff's Vest Known intuitively (novakid only)
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Oysteriser Known intuitively (hylotl only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Owl Breastplate Known intuitively (avian only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × First Mate Known intuitively (hylotl only)
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Owl Helm Known intuitively (avian only)
700 × Pixels
40 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Peanut Butter Trap
20 × Durasteel Bar
4 × Climbing Rope
1 × Grappling Hook Known intuitively
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Sheriff's Hat Known intuitively (novakid only)
1 × Durasteel Bar
120 × Pixels
4 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Revolutionary's Pants Known intuitively (apex only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Tailcutter Known intuitively (apex only)
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Durasteel Table Known intuitively
12 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Beardtrimmer Known intuitively (apex only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Gorillakilla Known intuitively (apex only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
10 × Platinum Bar
1 × Storage Locker Known intuitively (apex only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Apestooth Known intuitively (apex only)
16 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Haircutter Known intuitively (apex only)
8 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Banana Splitter Known intuitively (apex only)
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Lake Helm Known intuitively (hylotl only)
3 × Skyrail
1 × Durasteel Bar
3 × Skyrail Booster Known intuitively
1 × Durasteel Bar
3 × Skyrail Known intuitively
1 × Durasteel Bar
3 × Skyrail
3 × Skyrail Breaker Known intuitively
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Durasteel Chair Known intuitively
6 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Dark Knight's Helm Known intuitively (glitch only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
10 × Platinum Bar
1 × Storage Locker Known intuitively (avian only)
10 × Durasteel Bar
1 × Revolutionary's Jacket Known intuitively (apex only)

How to get it

Can be crafted

Reagents Result Station Learned by
1 × Titanium Bar
1 × Uranium Rod
1 × Durasteel Bar Known intuitively Known intuitively

treasure pool 'florantreasurelore', for threat level 1.0