Plant Fibre

A set of plant fibres.


Defined in /items/generic/crafting/plantfibre.item

Rarity: Common

What it does

Used in these recipes

Reagents Result Station Learned by
4 × Plant Fibre
1 × Bandage Known intuitively
30 × Yellow Petal
10 × Plant Fibre
1 × Moving Sunflower
100 × Pixels
20 × Plant Fibre
1 × Heart Wreath Known intuitively
5 × Yellow Petal
15 × Plant Fibre
35 × Giant Flower Petal
1 × Giant Flower Table
3 × Leather
5 × Red Petal
5 × Yellow Petal
45 × Giant Flower Petal
15 × Plant Fibre
1 × Giant Flower Bed
10 × Plant Fibre
30 × Wood Planks
1 × Hunting Bow Known intuitively
100 × Pixels
30 × Plant Fibre
1 × Flower Bouquet Known intuitively
3 × Plant Fibre
1 × Fabric Known intuitively
1 × Plant Fibre
2 × Gunpowder
2 × Flare Known intuitively Pick up Flare
15 × Toxictop
60 × Plant Fibre
1 × Toxic Chest
10 × Toxictop
80 × Plant Fibre
1 × Toxic Table
1 × Plant Fibre
1 × String Known intuitively
5 × Toxictop
45 × Plant Fibre
1 × Toxic Chair
4 × Plant Fibre
1 × Climbing Rope Known intuitively

How to get it

treasure pool 'gardenTreasure', for threat level 1.0

treasure pool 'pussplumHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'reefpodHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'chiliHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'potatoHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'kiwiHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'grapesHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'boltbulbHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'toxictopHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'floranmissiontreasure', for threat level 1.0

treasure pool 'cornHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'pineappleHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'currentcornHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'beakseedHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'bonebooHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'bananaHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'tomatoHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'coffeeHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'eggshootHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'avesmingoHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'coralcreepHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'carrotHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'pearlpeaHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'crystalplantHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'sugarcaneHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'neonmelonHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'automatoHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'wheatHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'dirturchinHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'riceHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'oculemonHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'feathercrownHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'wartweedHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'diodiaHarvest', for threat level 0.0