Medium Snowball

A medium snowball. Begging to be thrown.


Defined in /items/throwables/snowballmedium.thrownitem

Rarity: Common

What it does

Used in these recipes

Reagents Result Station Learned by
2 × Coal
1 × Carrot
1 × Unrefined Wood
1 × Medium Snowball
1 × Large Snowball
1 × Gigantic Snowball
1 × Snowman Pick up Gigantic Snowball
1 × Gigantic Snowball
1 × Medium Snowball
1 × Large Snowball
1 × A Fancy Hat
2 × Coal
1 × Unrefined Wood
1 × Carrot
1 × Fancy Snowman Pick up A Fancy Hat
2 × Medium Snowball
1 × Large Snowball Pick up Medium Snowball

How to get it

Can be crafted

Reagents Result Station Learned by
2 × Snowball
1 × Medium Snowball Pick up Snowball

treasure pool 'snowTreasure', for threat level 1.0

treasure pool 'snowTreasure', for threat level 1.0