Matter Block
A matter block. A block that matters.
Defined in /items/generic/crafting/matteritem.item
Rarity: Uncommon
What it does
Used in these recipes
Reagents | Result | Station | Learned by |
12 ×
Iron Bar
6 × Gold Bar 1 × Matter Block 20 × Hardened Monster Plate |
1 × Neat Welder's Helmet |
Pick up
Hardened Monster Plate
6 ×
Steel Bar
8 × Matter Block |
1 × Makeshift Helmet |
Pick up
Matter Block
10 ×
Steel Bar
12 × Matter Block |
1 × Makeshift Chestpiece |
Pick up
Matter Block
12 ×
Iron Bar
1 × Matter Block 15 × Hardened Monster Plate |
1 × Handy Space Helmet |
Pick up
Hardened Monster Plate
4 ×
Steel Bar
5 × Matter Block |
1 × Makeshift Greaves |
Pick up
Matter Block
How to get it
Drops from blocks
Matter Block
Defined in /tiles/materials/matterblock.material
health 10
some other stuff Color(red=75, green=23, blue=93, alpha=255) materials None