
Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.


Defined in /items/generic/produce/automato.consumable

Rarity: Common

What it does

Used in these recipes

Reagents Result Station Learned by
1 × Automato
1 × Milk
1 × Automato Shake Pick up Automato
1 × Automato
1 × Currentcorn
1 × 2KB Potage Pick up Automato
Pick up Currentcorn
1 × Automato
1 × Beakseed
1 × cacti
1 × Currentcorn
1 × Feathercrown
1 × Kiwi
1 × Desert Salsa Pick up Stuffed 4GB Automato
1 × Automato
1 × Bread
1 × Cheese
1 × Corn
1 × Stuffed 4GB Automato Pick up Automato Stew
1 × Automato
1 × Currentcorn
1 × Wheat
1 × Automato Stew Pick up 2KB Potage
1 × Automato
1 × Sugar
1 × Candy Automato Pick up Automato Shake

How to get it

Can be scanned in the 3D Printer for 10 pixels, then printed for 40 pixels.

treasure pool 'produce', for threat level 2.9

treasure pool 'automatoHarvest', for threat level 0.0

treasure pool 'produce', for threat level 6.9