Defined in /biomes/underground/underground3a.biome
Breathable; has air.
Primarily composed of Rock Block , plus some Clay
surrounding threat level Range(low=2, high=4)
None / None / None
status effects: []
hue shift: [0]
parallax: /parallax/underground/underground3a.parallax
spawn profiles...?: None
ore distribution!!! i have that!! <OreDistribution: 'depth2'>
0.5 | 115% / coal | 0% / uranium | 0% / plutonium | 0% / solarium | 120% / copper | 110% / silverore | 105% / gold | 95% / platinum | 90% / diamond | 79% / fossil | 130% / iron | ||
1.5 | 115% / coal | 0% / uranium | 0% / plutonium | 0% / solarium | 125% / copper | 120% / silverore | 110% / gold | 100% / platinum | 95% / diamond | 79% / fossil | 140% / iron | ||
2.5 | 115% / coal | 0% / uranium | 0% / plutonium | 0% / solarium | 120% / copper | 125% / silverore | 120% / gold | 105% / platinum | 100% / diamond | 79% / fossil | 125% / titanium | ||
3.5 | 115% / coal | 135% / uranium | 0% / plutonium | 0% / solarium | 115% / copper | 120% / silverore | 125% / gold | 110% / platinum | 105% / diamond | 79% / fossil | 135% / titanium | ||
4.5 | 115% / coal | 0% / uranium | 0% / plutonium | 0% / solarium | 110% / copper | 115% / silverore | 120% / gold | 120% / platinum | 110% / diamond | 79% / fossil | 125% / aegisalt | 120% / rubium | 120% / violium |
5.5 | 115% / coal | 0% / uranium | 0% / plutonium | 135% / solarium | 105% / copper | 110% / silverore | 115% / gold | 110% / platinum | 120% / diamond | 79% / fossil | 135% / aegisalt | 135% / rubium | 135% / violium |
placeable <BiomePlaceable_Object: 155> {'priority': 1.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 155, 'distribution': 'undergroundChests', 'discriminator': 'object', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d90b8>}
Status Pod
(None, [], None, None)
placeable <BiomePlaceable_Object: 147> {'priority': 1.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 147, 'distribution': 'undergroundCapsules', 'discriminator': 'object', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d9160>}
Small Capsule
(capsuleSmall, None, capsuleSmall, None)
Medium Capsule
(capsuleMed, None, capsuleMed, None)
Large Capsule
(capsuleBig, None, capsuleBig, None)
placeable <BiomePlaceable_Object: 148> {'priority': 1.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 148, 'distribution': 'undergroundOreRocks', 'discriminator': 'object', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d9208>}
Small Silver Rock
(silverRockSmall, None, silverRockSmall, None)
Silver Rock
(silverRock, None, silverRock, None)
Small Gold Rock
(goldRockSmall, None, goldRockSmall, None)
Gold Rock
(goldRock, None, goldRock, None)
Small Platinum Rock
(platinumRockSmall, None, platinumRockSmall, None)
Platinum Rock
(platinumRock, None, platinumRock, None)
placeable <BiomePlaceable_Object: 149> {'priority': 1.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 149, 'distribution': 'hazardUndergroundMid', 'discriminator': 'object', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d92b0>}
Sharp spikes.
(None, None, None, None)
Sharp spikes.
(None, None, None, None)
Sharp spikes.
(None, None, None, None)
Sharp spikes.
(None, None, None, None)
placeable <BiomePlaceable_Object: 150> {'priority': 1.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'ceiling', 'variants': 1, 'id': 150, 'distribution': 'hazardUndergroundCeilingMid', 'discriminator': 'object', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d9358>}
(None, None, None, None)
(None, None, None, None)
(None, None, None, None)
(None, None, None, None)
placeable <BiomePlaceable_Tree: 151> {'priority': 2.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'ceiling', 'variants': 1, 'id': 151, 'distribution': 'undergroundVines', 'discriminator': 'tree', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d9400>}
TODO ['flowery', 'starry', 'dreamy'] (180) / ['vine', 'vine2', 'vine3', 'vine4'] (180)
placeable <BiomePlaceable_TreasureBox: 152> {'priority': 0.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 152, 'distribution': 'layer2Chests', 'discriminator': 'treasureBox', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d94a8>}
TODO some treasurepool stuff isn't loaded yet
<TreasureChest: 'basicChest'>
Mostly Harmless
Random choice of: | |||
1 item — 5% 2 item — 15% 3 item — 45% 4 item — 20% 5 item — 10% 6 item — 5% |
21% | 21% | 21% | 60× Pixels |
7% | 7% | 7% | 30× Pixels |
10% | 10% | 10% | something from produce |
— | — | 21% | 100× Pixels |
9% | 9% | 9% | 4× Copper Ore |
7% | 7% | 7% | 50× Pixels |
7% | 7% | 7% | 200× Pixels |
6.75% | 6.75% | 6.75% | 3× Bandage |
6.75% | 6.75% | 6.75% | 6× Bandage |
5% | 5% | 5% | something from seed |
6% | 6% | 6% | 4× Iron Ore |
4% | 4% | 4% | something from tool |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappyspear] |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappyhammer] |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappyaxe] |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappybroadsword] |
7% | 7% | — | 15× Pixels |
4% | 4% | 4% | [random tier2shield] |
— | — | 7% | 300× Pixels |
1.5% | 1.5% | 1.5% | something from stim |
1.2% | 1.2% | 1.2% | something from instrument |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Yellow Stim Pack |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Red Stim Pack |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Green Stim Pack |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Blue Stim Pack |
— | 4.5% | — | 4× Titanium Ore |
— | 4.5% | — | 4× Platinum Ore |
2% | — | — | [random tier1woodshield] |
2% | — | — | [random tier1shield] |
0.5% | 0.5% | 0.5% | something from costume |
0.3% | 0.3% | 0.3% | Teleporter Core |
— | 1.5% | — | 4× Silver Ore |
— | 1.5% | — | 4× Gold Ore |
— | 1.5% | — | Diamond |
placeable <BiomePlaceable_TreasureBox: 153> {'priority': 0.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 153, 'distribution': 'layer2Chests', 'discriminator': 'treasureBox', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d9550>}
TODO some treasurepool stuff isn't loaded yet
<TreasureChest: 'weaponChest'>
Mostly Harmless
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | something from weapon |
Plus a random choice of: | |||
1 item — 20% 2 item — 50% 3 item — 20% 4 item — 10% |
21% | 21% | 21% | 60× Pixels |
7% | 7% | 7% | 30× Pixels |
10% | 10% | 10% | something from produce |
— | — | 21% | 100× Pixels |
9% | 9% | 9% | 4× Copper Ore |
7% | 7% | 7% | 50× Pixels |
7% | 7% | 7% | 200× Pixels |
6.75% | 6.75% | 6.75% | 3× Bandage |
6.75% | 6.75% | 6.75% | 6× Bandage |
5% | 5% | 5% | something from seed |
6% | 6% | 6% | 4× Iron Ore |
4% | 4% | 4% | something from tool |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappyspear] |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappyhammer] |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappyaxe] |
2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5% | [random crappybroadsword] |
7% | 7% | — | 15× Pixels |
4% | 4% | 4% | [random tier2shield] |
— | — | 7% | 300× Pixels |
1.5% | 1.5% | 1.5% | something from stim |
1.2% | 1.2% | 1.2% | something from instrument |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Yellow Stim Pack |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Red Stim Pack |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Green Stim Pack |
1.12% | 1.12% | 1.12% | 3× Blue Stim Pack |
— | 4.5% | — | 4× Titanium Ore |
— | 4.5% | — | 4× Platinum Ore |
2% | — | — | [random tier1woodshield] |
2% | — | — | [random tier1shield] |
0.5% | 0.5% | 0.5% | something from costume |
0.3% | 0.3% | 0.3% | Teleporter Core |
— | 1.5% | — | 4× Silver Ore |
— | 1.5% | — | 4× Gold Ore |
— | 1.5% | — | Diamond |
placeable <BiomePlaceable_TreasureBox: 154> {'priority': 0.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 154, 'distribution': 'undergroundtechChests', 'discriminator': 'treasureBox', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d95f8>}
TODO some treasurepool stuff isn't loaded yet
<TreasureChest: 'techChest'>
Random choice of: | |
??? | |
60% | Blank Tech Card |
40% | Teleporter Core |
placeable <BiomePlaceable_Microdungeon: 156> {'priority': 0.0, 'biome_name': 'underground3a', 'mode': 'floor', 'variants': 1, 'id': 156, 'distribution': 'randomEncounterUnderground', 'discriminator': 'microdungeon', 'where': 'underground', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7f27c90d96a0>}
TODO ['genericundergroundencounter', 'apexundergroundencounter', 'avianundergroundencounter', 'floranundergroundencounter', 'glitchundergroundencounter', 'humanundergroundencounter', 'outpostundergroundencounter']
fg cave ['normalCaves']
bg cave ['empty']
fg ore ['commonVeins']
bg ore ['empty']
block ['solid']
sub block ['largeClumps']
liquid ['water'] with chance Range(low=10, high=20)
ocean [] at height 0
appears as primary in [<PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'ocean'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'toxic'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'ocean'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'toxic'>], secondary in []
fg cave ['normalCaves']
bg cave ['empty']
fg ore ['commonVeins']
bg ore ['empty']
block ['solid']
sub block ['largeClumps']
liquid ['water'] with chance Range(low=10, high=20)
ocean [] at height 0
appears as primary in [<PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'toxic'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'ocean'>], secondary in []
fg cave ['normalCaves']
bg cave ['empty']
fg ore ['commonVeins']
bg ore ['empty']
block ['solid']
sub block ['largeClumps']
liquid ['water'] with chance Range(low=10, high=20)
ocean [] at height 0
appears as primary in [<PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'toxic'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground1', 'ocean'>], secondary in []
fg cave ['normalCaves']
bg cave ['empty']
fg ore ['commonVeins']
bg ore ['empty']
block ['solid']
sub block ['largeClumps']
liquid ['water'] with chance Range(low=10, high=20)
ocean [] at height 0
appears as primary in [<PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'ocean'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground2', 'toxic'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'ocean'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground3', 'toxic'>], secondary in []
fg cave ['normalCaves']
bg cave ['empty']
fg ore ['commonVeins']
bg ore ['empty']
block ['solid']
sub block ['largeClumps']
liquid ['water'] with chance Range(low=0, high=10)
ocean [] at height 0
appears as primary in [<PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'toxic'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'ocean'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'toxic'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'savannah'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'ocean'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'ocean'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'toxic'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'desert'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'alien'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'forest'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground6', 'jungle'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground4', 'snow'>, <PlanetTypeLayer: 'underground5', 'savannah'>], secondary in []