{ "objectName" : "hylotltechstation", "printable" : false, "rarity" : "Common", "interactAction" : "OpenAiInterface", "category" : "decorative", "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", "shortdescription" : "Tech Station", "race" : "hylotl", "lightColor" : [67, 102, 61], "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", "inventoryIcon" : "hylotltechstationicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "hylotltechstation.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "hylotltechstationlit.png:." } ], "imagePosition" : [-16, -8], "frames" : 8, "animationCycle" : 1.0, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "background" ] } ], "scripts" : [ "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" ], "scriptDelta" : 20, "shipPetType" : "crasberry", "spawnOffset" : [12, -1] }