{ "objectName" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", "printable" : false, "rarity" : "Common", "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", "race" : "glitch", "lightColor" : [77, 67, 46], "apexDescription" : "Converts fuel into freedom.", "avianDescription" : "Let's load it up and take to the stars!", "floranDescription" : "Let'ss get going!", "glitchDescription" : "Excited. Once filled, we may visit another planet.", "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", "hylotlDescription" : "Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", "breakDropOptions" : [], "inventoryIcon" : "fuelhatchicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchlitTier0.png:." } ], "imagePosition" : [-8, -16], "frames" : 12, "animationCycle" : 1, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "background" ] } ], "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/brokenfuelhatch.wav", "soundEffectRadius" : 15 }