{ "objectName" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", "rarity" : "Common", "objectType" : "container", "tooltipKind" : "container", "description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", "shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", "race" : "hylotl", "category" : "storage", "price" : 900, "apexDescription" : "This wardrobe is almost really nice!", "avianDescription" : "The lily pad ruins what is otherwise a decent enough wardrobe.", "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in wardrobe. Burssst out. Sssurprise frogmen. Fun!", "glitchDescription" : "Critical. Oh look. Another lily pad. Who would have guessed?", "humanDescription" : "The lock on this wardrobe is fiddly and difficult to turn.", "hylotlDescription" : "An exceptional wardrobe with an inspired locking mechanism.", "inventoryIcon" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1icon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1.png:", "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 1.0, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], "collision" : "platform" } ], "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_medium_open.wav" ], "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_medium_close.wav" ], "slotCount" : 24, "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", "frameCooldown" : 5, "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 }