{ "objectName" : "bunkerdesk", "rarity" : "Common", "objectType" : "container", "tooltipKind" : "container", "category" : "decorative", "price" : 425, "description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", "shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", "race" : "human", "apexDescription" : "This desk has a monitor built into it.", "avianDescription" : "The monitor makes the desk appear as if it has an eye.", "floranDescription" : "Desssk with ssscreen. Floran not need thisss.", "glitchDescription" : "Cynical. Inbuilt electronics are often inferior to their separate counterparts. Except in the case of Glitch, of course.", "humanDescription" : "Ooh, this monitor is showing an old Geocities page. It's burned into the screen.", "hylotlDescription" : "An intelligent fusion of technology and comfort.", "inventoryIcon" : "bunkerdeskicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "image" : "bunkerdeskleft.png:default.off", "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], "direction" : "right" }, { "image" : "bunkerdeskright.png:default.off", "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], "direction" : "left" } ], "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkercabinet_open.wav" ], "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkercabinet_close.wav" ], "slotCount" : 9, "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", "frameCooldown" : 5, "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 }