{ "objectName" : "undecoratedtree", "rarity" : "Uncommon", "category" : "decorative", "printable" : false, "price" : 0, "description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", "shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", "race" : "generic", "apexDescription" : "It's a synthetic tree. Needs more lights and decorations.", "avianDescription" : "This tree looks convincingly real.", "floranDescription" : "Not sssparkly tree. Just tree.", "glitchDescription" : "Disappointed. This synthetic tree lacks decoration.", "humanDescription" : "It's a shame it's synthetic-- I can still remember the smell of real Christmas trees.", "hylotlDescription" : "Despite its inauthenticity, this is a very pretty tree.", "inventoryIcon" : "undecoratedtreeicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "undecoratedtree.png:", "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 0.5, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ] }