{ "objectName" : "medievalbed", "rarity" : "Common", "description" : "A solid bed with silky sheets.", "shortdescription" : "Glitch Bed", "race" : "glitch", "category" : "furniture", "price" : 625, "apexDescription" : "The bed is hard but the sheets are silky.", "avianDescription" : "The sheets are pleasant to the touch.", "floranDescription" : "Floran enjoy the touch of sssilky bed.", "glitchDescription" : "Description. A commoner's bed. Glitch sheets tend to stay silky for a long time, as the Glitch metal shell doesn't wear them down.", "humanDescription" : "Silky sheets on a harsh bed.", "hylotlDescription" : "Fine silky sheets. The Hylotl make good use of silks.", "objectType" : "loungeable", "sitFlipDirection" : true, "sitPosition" : [-8, 13.2], "sitOrientation" : "lay", "sitAngle" : 90, "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/glitch/medievalbed/medievalbedcover.png", "sitEmote" : "sleep", "sitStatusEffects" : [ "regeneration1", "nude" ], "sitEffectEmitters" : [ "sleepbubbles" ], "inventoryIcon" : "medievalbedicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "medievalbed.png:", "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 1.0, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ] }