{ "objectName" : "ancientstriplight3", "rarity" : "Uncommon", "category" : "light", "lightColor" : [36, 159, 184], "price" : 500, "description" : "A mysterious light.", "shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", "race" : "generic", "apexDescription" : "These lights don't appear to be powered by electricity.", "avianDescription" : "These lights give off an ethereal glow.", "floranDescription" : "Purple is good, green isss better!", "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I can't see a power source for these ancient lights.", "humanDescription" : "These lights belong either in ancient ruins, or a nightclub.", "hylotlDescription" : "I wonder what powers these ancient lights?", "novakidDescription" : "This light glows like a settin' sun.", "inventoryIcon" : "ancientstriplighticon.png", "orientations" : [ { "image" : "ancientstriplight3.png:.", "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], "direction" : "left", "flipImages" : true, "lightPosition" : [0, 2], "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "background" ] }, { "image" : "ancientstriplight3.png:.", "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], "direction" : "right", "lightPosition" : [0, 2], "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "background" ] } ], "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", "animationParts" : { "bg" : "ancientstriplight3.png", "fg" : "ancientstriplight3lit.png" }, "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], "scriptDelta" : 60, "interactive" : false, "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] }