{ "objectName" : "bonebooseed", "rarity" : "Common", "category" : "farmable", "description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", "shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", "objectType" : "farmable", "printable" : false, "price" : 80, "apexDescription" : "A particularly unusual plant. Crunchy and bony.", "avianDescription" : "Boneboos are not to Avian tastes.", "floranDescription" : "Crunchy, chewy, flessshy foodsss.", "glitchDescription" : "Disinterested. This plant apparently looks like internal anatomy. The Glitch have no such parts.", "humanDescription" : "This plant might not be suitable for vegetarians.", "hylotlDescription" : "Many vegetarian Hylotl meals are made with the boneboo plant.", "inventoryIcon" : "bonebooseedicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "bonebooseed.png:..", "imagePosition" : [0, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 0.5, "spaces" : [ [1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 2], [0, 2], [1, 3], [0, 3] ], "requireTilledAnchors" : true, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ], "stages" : [ { "duration" : [215, 235] }, { "duration" : [215, 235] }, { "alts" : 5, "duration" : [860, 940] }, { "alts" : 5, "harvestPool" : "bonebooHarvest", "resetToStage" : 2 } ] }