{ "objectName" : "woodencookingtable", "printable" : false, "price" : 50, "rarity" : "Uncommon", "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/kitchen.config", "filter" : [ "kitchen" ] }, "description" : "This table allows me to prepare and combine raw ingredients, for wholesome meals!", "shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Cooking Table^white;", "race" : "generic", "category" : "crafting", "apexDescription" : "This table contains everything one could need to create almost any dish.", "avianDescription" : "Almost any Avian dish could be prepared here.", "floranDescription" : "Floran prepare food with bare handsss. But table ussseful.", "glitchDescription" : "Inspired. Let's create food!", "humanDescription" : "A chef's table. A whole bunch of different implements for making food...", "hylotlDescription" : "Food preparation is an art and this is the paintbrush.", "inventoryIcon" : "woodencookingtableicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "woodencookingtable.png:", "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 1.0, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ] }