{ "objectName" : "flowerbed1", "rarity" : "Common", "category" : "furniture", "price" : 550, "description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", "shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", "race" : "apex", "apexDescription" : "A well-tended flowerbed. One of the few Apex pleasures.", "avianDescription" : "A sickly-sweet smell wafts in the air.", "floranDescription" : "Floran hide in flowers. Jump out, sssurprise monkey! Monkey not happy.", "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. A remarkably well-cultivated flowerbed.", "humanDescription" : "I've never had green fingers.", "hylotlDescription" : "A crude, childish flowerbed.", "inventoryIcon" : "flowerbed1icon.png", "orientations" : [ { "image" : "flowerbed1.png:", "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], "direction" : "left", "flipImages" : true, "sitPosition" : [-2, 22], "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] }, { "image" : "flowerbed1.png:", "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], "direction" : "right", "sitPosition" : [-2, 22], "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ], "objectType" : "loungeable", "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/apex/flowerbed1/flowerbed1.png", "sitFlipDirection" : false }