{ "objectName" : "classiclightart", "rarity" : "Common", "description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", "shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", "race" : "apex", "apexDescription" : "Built to light a painting. The Apex are not permitted to paint. All paintings were believed burned by the Miniknog.", "avianDescription" : "A dim light indeed, built to draw attention to one spot.", "floranDescription" : "Apex light for Apex ssscribbles.", "glitchDescription" : "Appreciative. A light angled in such a way would sit nicely above Glitch works of art.", "humanDescription" : "Gallery lights.", "hylotlDescription" : "The play of light can enhance even the most beautiful of brushwork.", "category" : "light", "price" : 425, "lightColor" : [210, 210, 200], "inventoryIcon" : "classiclightarticon.png", "orientations" : [ { "image" : "classiclightart.png:.", "imagePosition" : [-8, -8], "direction" : "right", "animationPosition" : [-8, -8], "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "top" ] } ], "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", "animationParts" : { "bg" : "classiclightart.png", "fg" : "classiclightartlit.png" }, "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], "scriptDelta" : 60, "interactive" : false, "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] }